getting started on your coaching journey

what exactly is coaching, anyway?



As human beings we are in a constant state of evolution, both individually and collectively. Coaching is a tool to help us evolve in ways that are more intentional, positive, and sustainable for ourselves and the people around us. My approach is brain-based, holistic, and social-justice oriented, focusing on helping you make impactful changes on a personal and collective level.



My job as a coach is first and foremost to support YOU in your unique process of growth. Neuroscience tells us that our brains are all uniquely wired, and therefore a self-directed approach is the most effective way for you to create change in your life. As a coach, I will not generally give advice or tell you what to do. Instead, my role is to help you think outside the box, exploring new angles that lead you to develop your own insights. Then, I help you turn those insights into action by setting concrete goals and creating new habits.



One way that coaching differs from other kinds of counseling is that it focuses on solutions rather than problems. While therapy often focuses on understanding the WHY behind certain behaviors, coaching provides practical strategies for HOW to shift your energy and actively make different choices that will lead to the outcomes you desire. The coaching process is designed to help your brain envision positive outcomes and then turn those visions into reality. Sound like magic? It kind of is.


what to expect from your coach


In order to evolve, we need to venture out of our comfort zones. With your permission, I will provide the supportive nudges and gentle pushes to help you become your most fabulous, badass self.


When we are focused on a problem we aren’t always able to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. As your coach, I will help you to envision the future you want, and keep your eyes on the prize.


When you’re trying to make big changes in your life, it’s a lot easier to have a partner to help keep you on track. Working together, we will create systems and structures that enable you to make concrete progress toward your goals — and even have some fun along the way!

 how does it work?

My five-session introductory coaching package is designed specifically to help you envision the future you want and create a concrete plan on how to get there. During these initial sessions, I will lead you through a series of exercises to help you identify your core values, create a vision for your most evolved self, and set three major goals to work on during our time together. Then, we’ll identify concrete strategies and action steps that will provide a road map for how to make it happen!


Session 1: Discovering your Core Values

Art credit: Lisa Congdon

When we are dissatisfied with our life, it’s often because we are experiencing a lack of alignment with our core values. Your coaching journey begins with a deep dive into discovering your unique set of core values at this particular moment in your life. Taking a closer look at what parts of your life are in alignment with those values, and what parts are not, we will identify three specific areas where you can make positive changes in order to be the person you truly want to be in the world.


Session 2: Envisioning Evolution

Art credit: Asja Boros

Personal transformation is about more than simply getting a new job or moving to a new city. Building on our work in session 1, session 2 asks you to envision what your own process of personal evolution might look like. Shifting the focus away from external markers of "success," I will help you develop a vision of your ideal self based on what makes you feel uniquely happy, fulfilled, and inspired.


Sessions 3-5: Goals, strategies, action!

Art credit: Asja Boros


During the next three sessions, we will develop three specific goals to guide your journey of personal evolution, and create a road map for how to accomplish them. Using scientifically proven techniques developed by experts in neuroscience, we will design a comprehensive set of strategies to support these goals. and identify concrete action steps to manifest the vision that you’ve created for your future.


and beyond…

During our ongoing coaching sessions, we will check in to measure your progress, celebrate achievements, and identify areas for future growth. While I have found weekly 60-minute sessions to be particularly effective in keeping folks on track with their goals, we will work together to establish a schedule that works for you.

 Are you ready to take the leap?

Schedule your free 30-minute discovery call!