Tarotscopes for the New Moon in Gemini
Deck: Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
This week we welcome in the effervescent charm of Gemini season. Over the past month we learned important lessons about grounding and how to find some stability amidst the chaos of disaster capitalism. If Taurus season asked us to connect more deeply to the material resources that sustain us, Gemini season encourages us to gain new perspective on our current situation.
Today’s new moon in Gemini is an opportunity to set intentions about how you want to engage with the world. Gemini challenges us to step out of our comfort zone to expand our creative and intellectual horizons. As a mutable air sign, Gemini helps us to channel our own ingenuity and innovation in order to come up with creative, out-of-the-box solutions. Where have you been feeling blocked lately? How might you invite in a fresh perspective? The new moon in Gemini is here to shed light on the issues we care about and to help us reimagine how we communicate with others.
The theme for this new moon is Six of Swords. A welcome sight, this card can feel like a respite on a difficult journey. It lets us know that we are finally moving out of the major contraction of Five of Swords toward something better on the horizon. If we have been focused on the challenges and difficulties we face, this card invites us to pause and look for the guiding light we need. It asks us to consider what nourishes and sustains us in times of hardship. Who can you call on for help? What relationships are giving you life right now (and which ones are draining you)? What communities are sustaining you? What specific practices make you feel connected and inspired? While our journey is far from over, the Six of Swords reminds us that the only way forward is to find ways to connect with one another, to ask for the help that we need, and to collectively imagine a better future.
Our task is the Eight of Cups. It’s time to acknowledge what is no longer working in our lives, in order to release it. As always, we can’t control what happens to us but we can control how we respond. The cups suit speaks to our emotional lives — what emotional baggage are we ready to release?How can we give yourself the space to fully honor the emotional hardships we have experienced, and then let ourselves let go and move on? We need to grieve the loss of those broken cups, which will in turn enable us to move ahead into something new.
We are stepping into the Page of Wands, a beautiful invitation to lean into the playful curiosity of Gemini season. Like all Pages, the Page of Wands is all about beginner’s mind and being open to new ideas and practices. Connected to the element of fire, this card also invites us to get in touch with our own creativity. How might we allow ourselves the time/space to ponder, to play, to discover new ways of thinking and being in the world?
Please take what serves and leave the rest! Be sure to read both your sun and moon sign.
Aries — Eight of Wands
There are larger forces than you at play. Change is happening — you have the option to resist it or embrace it. In what areas of your life would you benefit from allowing the universe to take the reins? Impatience will not serve you right now; trust that things are unfolding just as they should.
Taurus — Judgement
What limiting beliefs and thought patterns would you need to release in order to fully live in alignment with your highest self? What do you need to forgive yourself for? This is an opportunity to examine your deepest held truths and see which ones still fit. All others can be cast aside.
Gemini — Four of Wands
This is your season, and it’s also your moment to shine. It’s time to set aside the narratives you’ve internalized about success and achievement. Look around to find what is worth celebrating in your life right now. Joy is our birthright. Claim yours.
Cancer — Five of Wands
Gemini season might have you feeling lost, scattered, frustrated, or fully spiraling. Take comfort in knowing that it’s all part of the creative process. You are getting ready for a major energetic shift. In the meantime, how can you honor your boundaries and make space for your feelings?
Leo — Knight of Swords
It’s time for action, and you may need to move swiftly. In your haste, don’t forget the value of clarity and precision. You will know when the right moment comes. Trust your intuition, and don’t let yourself get distracted by naysayers.
Virgo — Five of Pentacles
You are experiencing loss, or fear of loss, on a material and embodied level. Rather than repressing these feelings, what would it look like to give yourself compassion in this moment? Worst case scenario thinking isn’t going to get you anywhere, but neither is pretending everything is fine.
Libra — Nine of Cups
What is your most cherished desire? What if you dared to hope for what you truly want? You might be closer than you realize. Let go of the self doubt that is holding you back, and take a risk. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Scorpio — Ten of Pentacles
What does abundance look like to you? What forms of abundance (material, emotional, spiritual) are available to you at this very moment? Who benefits if you refuse to accept what is here in your life right now? Guilt is unproductive. Generosity is contagious.
Sagittarius — The Sun
Imagine what it would be like if you were fully accepted, valued, and loved for exactly who you are. You and you alone have the power to give yourself this gift. Will you accept this invitation? You may have to face your most vulnerable self in order to truly step into your light.
Capricorn — Eight of Pentacles
Slow and steady wins the race. You are no stranger to hard work, but this is an opportunity to put the process ahead of the product. Trust that you are making progress, even if you aren’t entirely sure where you’re headed. Focus on the task at hand and let go of the rest.
Aquarius — The Empress
What blocks do you have around receiving? Prepare something delicious to eat and allow yourself to experience the simple pleasure of receiving. What might open up if you approached your entire life this way? You deserve abundance and pleasure.
Pisces — The Emperor
“We are the ones we have been waiting for.” It’s time. No one else is going to do the thing that you are here to do. Take a long, hard look at what is keeping you from standing in your power, and then GTFO of your own way.