Awakening To Our Power: April Horoscopes
Image: “Organic Growth” by Heather Polk
The month of April has always been my personal favorite. Yes, it happens to be my birthday month (early Taurus birthday divas to the front), but more importantly it’s the first full month of spring. All seasons have their own unique beauty, but to me spring is perhaps the most magical. This is the season of rebirth, of growth, of new forms of life budding everywhere you look. On March 21st the spring equinox ushered us into a new season and a new zodiacal year — a moment of profound transformation from the slow, quiet, restful sensibility of winter into an altogether more jubilant, wild, and colorful chaos of springtime.
And nothing says jubilant wild chaos quite like Aries season!
The philosophy of the ram could be summed up as “leap before you look” — this is a sign that is all about embracing adventure and taking action. When it comes to energy and enthusiasm, Aries leads the charge, which means that Aries season is the perfect time to get started on a new project or venture. At the same time, because Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression and war, Aries season can inflame tensions and tempers. In the wake of the recent mass shootings and deadly targeting of Asian American women, it’s important to remember that violence itself is limited as a tool for liberation.
Here it can be helpful to remember that Aries is balanced out by its polar sign, Libra. In contrast to the fiery and sometimes temperamental Aries, Libra brings a cool-headed equanimity and a balanced perspective. Together, these energies can align in a particularly powerful way. When Aries’s passion and willpower meets Libra’s commitment to justice, there is real potential for reinvigorating movements for social change.
Here to help us with that task is The Emperor card in the tarot, ruled by Aries. Contrary to popular belief, The Emperor is NOT primarily a card representing patriarchal colonizers, but rather a powerful archetype symbolizing a very basic and fundamental right: the right to exist in the world.
Deck: Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans
This month, we have the opportunity to affirm the inherent birthright of every individual to take up sacred space in their own unique way. To unapologetically claim the space that we have been denied. To demand that our humanity be not simply tolerated but respected and even revered. To proclaim our pride in our communities, our cultures, our selves — as full and imperfect as they are.
The Emperor says: “You have the right to take up space on this planet. You are here. You are a living being. You are meant to grow and evolve into your most majestic form.”
One of my favorite representations of this card comes from The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans, which depicts The Emperor as a majestic redwood tree. Krans writes that when this card arrives, it’s time to reconnect “with the part of you that stands strong and tall and knows just what to do.” The mighty redwood is powerful, but not in the sense of power over. The redwood isn’t trying to control anything, in fact it’s part of a larger ecosystem that involves all kinds of other living things: squirrels and birds and insects and fungi and microorganisms. What would it look like to stand tall like the redwood, to allow your branches to spread as wide as they grow, to reach toward the sun without worrying about crowding out anyone else – without making yourself smaller than you are?
In keeping with this season of radical rebirth, and in the spirit of sharing our creations in all their imperfection, I felt called to offer these horoscopes (hopefully the first of a regular monthly offering!). Please take what serves and leave what doesn’t.
xo, Dr. K
ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This month, protect your time and energy. Remember that saying no to someone else is saying yes to yourself. Be intentional about boundaries — not as a way to shut others out but as a way to recalibrate and focus on your own work.
Tarot card of the month: Two of Swords
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Your life is more abundant than you realize. Look around and discover all the hidden gems that bring a sparkle to your day. When you center in your own power, you may find that you have enough to nourish not only yourself, but also those around you.
Tarot card of the month: King of Pentacles
GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
It’s time to take action on something you’ve been preparing for. Don’t let anxieties about a lack of expertise or experience hold you back. You’re ready to take the next step into a new realm or role. Embrace this newness with a sense of adventure and discovery, and you will be positioned to make the most of this opportunity.
Tarot card of the month: Two of Wands
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
Be gentle with yourself this month. Now is the time to tend to a wound you may have been neglecting. Healing involves drawing on your internal sense of compassion and directing it toward yourself. Know that you have everything you need. The first step is simply to make space for the pain and witness the part of you that has been hurt.
Tarot card of the month: Three of Swords
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
You’ve been working your ass off and are ready to harvest the fruits of your labor. A cycle is coming to completion, and your efforts have paid off. Now is the time to celebrate, and what better way than to share your abundance with those around you?
Tarot card of the month: Ten of Pentacles
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Let your imagination run wild this month. Spend time daydreaming. You have the opportunity to discover an essential truth about yourself and the path you are on but in order to do so you must let go of your ego’s desire to be in control and open to the possibility of following your intuition. There is a deeper knowing available to you — can you tap into it?
Tarot card of the month: Queen of Cups
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22)
It’s time to step into the spotlight. You possess something that needs to be shared with the world, and only you have the power to share it. Now is not the moment for self-effacement. You know what you need to do. What are you waiting for?
Tarot card of the month: King of Wands
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21)
You’ve been pushed to your limit and something’s gotta give. Yes, you have the capacity to continue to suffer, but you also have the power to make a difference choice. What story have you been telling yourself that is no longer serving you? Now is the time to leave it behind.
Tarot card of the month: Ten of Swords
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
The universe is offering you an opportunity to truly commit to your healing journey. This path is not for the faint of heart and you will be asked to go deeper than you ever have before. Remember that the journey to radical self love begins by simply saying yes to yourself.
Tarot card of the month: Ace of Cups
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
It’s time to lower your defenses. You’ve been fighting for so long you’ve forgotten what it feels like to let down your guard. It takes courage to be vulnerable. And while at first you might feel naked without your armor, you may discover that you also feel lighter and more free.
Tarot card of the month: Seven of Wands rx
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
The storm is beginning to clear, and there is a light on the horizon. You may not fully trust it yet but the darkness is lifting and the weather is shifting. As you turn your face to the sunrise, tap into your resilience and inner strength. You’re closer to the finish line than you realize.
Tarot card of the month: Nine of Swords rx
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
It’s time to pause and appreciate how far you’ve come. Take a look around. The seeds you planted are blooming and your garden is overflowing with beauty and abundance. The time for harvest is not yet here — for now, relax and enjoy with presence and gratitude.
Tarot card of the month: Nine of Pentacles